To verify PKCS1 signature
When our system returns a PKCS1 response, the digital signature and the authenticated user's certificate are included separately. To verify the digital signature, we use:
The user’s certificate
The signature
The Hash string we sent in the beginning of the authentication process (“binding_content” in CIBA, the IDToken7 input in REST API)
There are ready-made tools available for most programming languages that can be used to verify PKCS1 signatures. Below is a small code example in C# that hopefully makes it clearer:
Code Block |
private bool validatePKCS1Signature(string signatureFromAudkenni, string hashStringFromAuthenticationRequest, string |
usersCertFromAudkenni) { byte[] orgHash = null; byte[] signedHash = null; byte[] certBytes = null; X509Certificate2 certificate = null; try { orgHash = Convert.FromBase64String(hashStringFromAuthenticationRequest); signedHash = Convert.FromBase64String(signatureFromAudkenni); certBytes = Convert.FromBase64String( |
usersCertFromAudkenni); certificate = new X509Certificate2(certBytes); RSA key = (RSA)certificate.PublicKey.Key; RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter formatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter(key); formatter.SetHashAlgorithm("SHA512"); var result = formatter.VerifySignature(orgHash, signedHash); return result; } catch (CryptographicException e) { return false; } } |