Accepted "acr_values"

Accepted "acr_values"

When authenticating or signing using CIBA you set the “acr_values” claim in the JWT according to your needs. The values accepted are:


  • app-auth
    For authentication using the Auðkennis APP

  • app-certificate-choice
    For selecting a certificate to use to signing using the Auðkennis APP

  • app-sign
    For signing using the Auðkennis APP

  • app-sign-with-certificate
    For signing using the certificate from “app-certificate-choice” using the Auðkennis APP

  • newcards-auth
    For authentication using the new type of Auðkennis Card (Smart ID)

  • nexus
    For authentication using either new type or old type of Auðkennis Card

  • nexus-sign
    For signing using either new type or old type of Auðkennis Card

  • oldcards-auth
    For authentication using the old type of Auðkennis Card (Nexus)

  • sim-auth
    For authentication using SIM certificate (Mobile certificate)

  • sim-sign
    For signing using SIM certificate (Mobile certificate). Returns PKCS7 answer

  • sim-sign-pkcs1
    For signing using SIM certificate (Mobile certificate). Returns PKCS1 answer

  • sim-auth-xml
    For authentication using Sim certificate (Mobile certificate). Returns XML answer

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